• Loneliness


    Loneliness,It’s always there,Even when the mask is up. Lurking in the crevices of my heart.Hiding in the darkest folds of my mind.Curled up in the deepest corner of my lungs. Waiting… Patiently…Hungrily… For that tiny trigger that’ll set them off.For the facade to fall like a wilted rose.For the walls to crumble to dust. And…

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  • Stirred up by the Music

    Stirred up by the Music

    Prateek Kuhad songs play on the stereo. I sway to it on the swing. The ants flit across the dance floor. The butterflies twirl to the tune. The birds chirrup a chorus. The leaves nod to the note. The flowers lean in to listen. The sunbeams shift to put up a light show. And as…

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  • When I was a kid

    When I was a kid

    I wish I could turn the wheel of time… and go back to when I was a kid. When happiness was simple When pain was just physical When things were easy When dreams were alive When loneliness was not known When friendship was forever When love was in abundance When adulting was looking cool… And…

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  • Alien life forms?

    Alien life forms?

    If you were to see something unusual in the night sky, say a burst of blue light, would you say it’s a space ship, a natural phenomenon or something divine? I paused as I read the above in the latest edition of the Readers Digest. I couldn’t move on to the next sentence, as this…

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  • Stuck


    Ever felt stuck in life? Like you don’t know what to do anymore? Like you don’t know what you’re doing now? Like your mind is frozen and you can’t see a way ahead? Like you’re lost and trying desperately to find a way out? Like you feel completely helpless? Like you’re a kite stuck in…

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  • Watched a movie ALONE in theatre for the first time

    Watched a movie ALONE in theatre for the first time

    Ever gone for a movie alone? I did just that today

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  • I don’t know

    I don’t know

    Two long years bygone. Seasons have changed. People have changed. And I don’t know you anymore. The days that we were inseparable, are just a mirage of memory now. And I don’t know what we’ve become now. Wherever you are, with whomever you are, I don’t know. And I don’t care…because all I want is…

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  • Homecoming


    Everyone staying afar from home knows the feeling you get when you return home after long. It begins with the excitement of booking tickets to home. And then there’s the journey itself. Every time I reach the railway station, I already feel like I’m back in my hometown, because of the sudden inflow of chatter…

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  • Fear


    As I walk back home at night, I fear the man walking few paces behind me. Though he might just be walking home too. As I travel in train alone, I fear the man making small talk with me, Though he might just be trying to while away his time. As I am on my…

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  • Untold Stories

    Untold Stories

    Who knew that the guy who always cracked jokes, had an ailing mother to look after? Who knew that the girl who always had a big gang of friends, was struggling with a breakup? Who knew that the guy who always bought delicious home made food, was grappling with education and home loans. Who knew…

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